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American Flag


On June 14, 1885, Bernard J. Cigrand, a 19-year-old teacher at Stony Hill School placed a 10-inch, 38 star flag on his desk.  He asked his students to write an essay in reflection of what this flag meant to them.  The National Flag Day Foundation aims to keep this patriotic tradition alive.

USA Flag

Be Inspired!! 2024 Winning Essays

"What does the American Flag Mean to Me"
Grades 4-5:    1st - Neel Sood            2nd - Lila Smith
Grades 6-7: 1st - Ryan Spang   2nd - Jayce Karmasin
Grades 8-12:    1st - Morgan Belger       2nd - Kristina Raevsky

2023 Essay Contest Winners

Grades 4 and 5

First Place Winner: Oliver Grogan, Oconomowoc, WI

Second Place Winner: Kirra Robbins, Reno, NV

Grades 6 and 7

First Place Winner: Benjamin Wu, University Place, WA

Second Place Winner: Benjamin Hallett, Grafton, WI

Grades 8-12

First Place Winner: Vania Munjar, Atlanta, GA

Second Place Winner: Zakary Miller, Fredonia, WI

2023 Winning Essays

First Place - Grades 4 & 5
Oliver Grogan, Oconomowoc, WI

The American flag is a very patriotic symbol.  To me, it is more than that though.  It represents the blood, sweat, and tears of all the men and women who willingly laid down their lives for our nation and our freedom.  To me, the flag represents freedom, justice, and hope.  I am proud to say that I am an American and that our nation truly represents freedom and equality.  I know that here I can go to sleep knowing that I am safe.  I think it's incredible that we started off with a flag and country with only thirteen colonies and thirteen stars.  And now we have grown to be a country with fifty states and fifty stars.  It's truly amazing to look back and see all of the progress we have made! That is what the American flag means to me! I am extremely proud to be an American!

Second Place - Grades 4 & 5
Kirra Robbins, Reno, NV

What does the U.S. flag mean to me? To me, our flag is more than just an ordinary flag, our flag is much more.  From the red and white stripes, to the stars, to the flag's thirteen folds, it shows we are free.  It is a symbol of independence, liberty, and freedom.  It is a symbol of the soldiers that sacrificed their life to protect this country and our flag.  The flag reminds us of all the blood, sweat, and tears shed to make this country the free country it is today.  I hope whenever someone sees the U.S. flag they are reminded of all this.  This is what the United States of America flag means to me. 

First Place - Grades 6 & 7
Benjamin Wu, University Place, WA

Every time my family drives on highway I-5, our eyes are drawn to an enormous flag, dancing in the wind, proudly on display from a local business.  On holidays, my neighborhood is adorned with many smaller flags, forming a sea of stars and stripes.  The American flag is truly the People's flag, symbolizing the people's value of liberty, valor, and hope.

When Betsy Ross was asked to design the first US flag in 1777, it showed that a free country was formed.  With time passing by, it has become a beacon of freedom and liberties for people around the world.  They come under this flag because our land is free, just, and full of opportunities.  The flag also stands for valor.  Valor of soldiers, fighting in bloody wars for our country, to protect its honor and to protect us from harm.  The flag also symbolizes hope.  Hope is ingrained into the creation of our flag.  When the flag was born, war was raging, and only the hope that led to our perseverance saved our country.  So in dark times, we can look towards the flag, and feel the hope it represents.

Because of all the great values the flag stands for, we fondly make it a part of our daily lives; as students, every school day morning, we salute to the flag with the pledge of allegiance: "...One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." It is why I'm so proud to be an American.

Second Place - Grades 6 & 7
Benjamin Hallett, Grafton, WI

The American flag is a symbol of freedom.  It has flown through many battles in our country's history.  When I see our majestic flag billowing in the wind, I remember the soldiers who have given everything to protect us, our country, and our precious freedom.  As the flag ripples and casts its shadow over us, it shows that we are always safe behind our brave men and women in all branches of the military.  The flag is a symbol of our powerful country and that under God, our country will thrive.  Our flag encourages us to keep going, whether it's flying over a farm or a battlefield, we keep persevering for our beloved country.  The bold colors of crisp red, deep blue, and pure white shows the boldness of our country. It reminds me of the bravery of my family, my father, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who have served for our great country.  I will never forget the day when we were at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and they invited the veterans up. My dad went up and they selected him to fold the flag that night.  I was so proud.  We have made it our tradition to get a new flag and put it up every Memorial Day. Our flag symbolizes the bravery and selflessness many have shown for our country.  The tough decisions and split second choices have all led to what our country is today. The flag is a reminder of how much I love my country.

First Place - Grades 8-12
Vania Munjar, Atlanta, GA

The American flag is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world.  Its colors and design are instantly recognizable, and it has become a symbol of freedom and opportunity.  The flag is more than just a piece of cloth; it represents the values and ideals of a nation.  To me, the American flag represents the freedom and opportunity that this country offers.

As an immigrant, India is a country which has limited opportunity and freedom.  The American flag represents the promise of a better life.  It is a symbol of motivation for me to work hard, achieve success, and make a positive impact on the world.  The flag also represents the unity and diversity of the American people, reminding immigrants that they are a part of a larger community that values their contributions and welcomes them with open arms.  I know that America has always been a melting pot of cultures, and the flag represents the diversity of the people who call America home.  It symbolizes the unity of people from all walks of life, who come together to form a nation that is greater than the sum of its parts.

For many, the American flag is a symbol of freedom.  The red stripes on the flag represent the bloodshed of those who have fought for our freedom, while the white stripes symbolize the purity and innocence of the nation.  The blue field with the stars represents the unity of the 50 states and the hope for a brighter future.  The flag is a reminder that freedom is not free, and that it requires sacrifice and hard work.

The American Dream is a concept that is familiar to people all over the world, and the American flag represents the hope and opportunity that this dream provides.  For me and my family the American flag is a symbol of the chance to achieve success, to live a better life, and to make a difference in the world.  Furthermore, the American flag is a reminder that anything is possible in America.  This country has given me the opportunity to be a part of a community that values education, innovation, and hard work.  It has given me the chance to pursue my dreams and to make a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, the American flag is much more than just a piece of cloth; it is a symbol of the values and ideals that this country represents. It is a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our freedom and of the opportunities that America provides to those who are willing to work hard and pursue their dreams.  The flag is a symbol of unity, diversity, and hope, and it serves as a reminder that we are all in this together.

Second Place - Grades 8-12
Zakary Miller, Fredonia, WI

What does the American flag mean to me? Ever since my dad fought the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan I've always asked my country to look after him.  I've always asked that our flag would stand high with pride over his head.  Every time to go to a flag burning we show pride and honor for discharging the flags of our fathers.  We try to pull out any of them that aren't ripped, faded, or in any sad condition.  The flag should be taken care of like it's the most precious thing in your life.  We save the flags with 40 stars to restore the originality of our country during the Second World War.

I never thought I would see one of us come from another country in a box with our flag over him.  But that's just how life works.  Our flag means many things like tour loyalty, pride in the country, and even showing respect to those who died for this country, our flag, and our people.  To this day I have shown hope in our flag.  I still fly an American flag either in my room, outside, or in my dad's personal Military garage.  I will never stop giving hope in our country, I will never stop giving hope until our flag is overthrown by another which I believe will never happen.

I'm writing this essay for the countless lives lost over the years, overseas, or even on our soil.  I'm writing this because it's the best way to show how much you mean about our flag.  Writing about what you love most is one of the best ways to show kindness, love, and loyalty to a friend or our flag. What I love most about the proudly earned American flag are the colors that make it pop out from any other country of the 50 stars showing how much land we've managed to salvage just to give our people home and freedom.

Until the time comes our flag will always be standing strong and tall with the might of a thousand suns or the hope in our people to make America better and to soon add more to our precious flag.  But what does the American flag mean to me... it means I know I can go outside and have a smile on my face, it means I can have a well-earned reward for something I do, it means I can look in the sky, and see that our flag is still there flying with all its glory.



Olivia Schmitz – Fredonia, Wisconsin – 4th Grade – 1st Place

This is what the flag means to me. The flag means war, hard work,
perseverance, and how people gave their lives for the flag, which represents how
much they love the United States of America. The flag means peace, love, and
joy. America will always stand united and always fight for what is right in the
world, never what is wrong. The flag means to love the place you live and to
honor the ones who fought for it. It means everybody everywhere will always be
welcomed and get the same treatment as everybody else; it will not matter if your
skin is black or if it’s white. What matters most is how you are on the inside and
flag will show you that. The flag will guide you through hard times. That’s what
the flag means to me.

Desiree Jaicynth Wilson Lao – Reno, Nevada – 5th Grade – 2nd Place

The American Flag was made possible by many wonderful people that have lived
before us. The flag was made to bring freedom, liberty, and justice to our
country. People may just take a first glance at the flag and not think deeply
about what millions of soldiers had suffered through just to fight for the future’s
freedom and their family’s freedom. When I take a look, I can feel the pride and
freedom run through my veins. “United we Stand, divided we fall,” Lincoln once
said. That’s how I feel when I see the flag. It makes me feel proud of my
country. If our flag wasn’t here, I may not be standing here this very second. All
in all, I am proud and free because of our Flag.

Madi Eckhart – Neenah, Wisconsin – 8th Grade – 1st Place

To me, as to many others, the American flag symbolizes our country’s
perseverance and overcomings; the war we fought, the freedom we gained, and
the impediments yet to arise. Our flag displays the rightful freedom of our
country. It is a sign of refuge for those seeking it. It is a sign of respect for all
those who fought for our country and died a hero in doing so. It is a sign of power
in our strong leadership, non despotic; the bond that the states share as they
work together to run this country. It is a sign of home for many. The American
flag is symbolic of our country, of our strifes and overcomings, of our leadership,
of our heroes, and of our past. The American flag brings the country together,
unites fifty states as one, guides our nation through thick and thin, and carries
our country through it all. The flag will forever be the trademark of our country.
The first American flag was created by Betsy Ross in 1777. It started off with
thirteen stripes and a circle of thirteen patriotic stars in the top left corner. This
symbolized the thirteen colonies that made up our country, and the flag has since
developed with the country. Today, the flag proudly waves fifty stars, one for
every state that constructs the United States. However, these people, this land,
was not always a country. It was first under the rule of Great Britain, a powerful
country wishing nothing from the 13 colonies but their tax money. War broke out
among the colonists and Great Britain in 1775, which led to the making of a new
country: The United States of America. The rise of one country left the defeat of
another in its wake. Our flag carries the story of a journey to independence in its
stripes and flags as it elegantly waves over our victory to this day.
Our flag waves proudly today in remembrance of all those who fought for our
country. There have been countless wars our country has fought in with much
trauma endured, either to defend our own country or protect another. Many have
served in the war, and many died in doing so. The American flag waves today to
venerate the losses that we carry with us as a country, to honor and lament those
who died proudly serving our country, and display their bravery throughout the
The American flag means a lot of things to me. It showcases the trials and
triumphs our country has walked through together. It stands for a land many are
proud to call home. The flag waves to display the bravery of men and women
who fought to defend and guard our country. The American flag also tells a story.
One of how the United States of American came to be. Of the difficult war we
fought for independence, fighting sagaciously, earning our right of freedom. This
is what the American flag means to me.

Taylor Browning – Hammond, Wisconsin – 8th Grade – 2nd Place

Is the American Flag just some piece of fabric with red and white stripes, an
undersized blue box, and white stars? In contrast, is the flag something that
represents freedom and justice in our country? Everyone has a different opinion
on what the American flag truly represents for them, but most can agree with the
statement that the flag shows the true meaning of being American.
Being American does not just mean that you were born in the country and have
all the rights that you are given in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The true
representation of being American is the American Flag and how it shows the
history all Americans went through. The hard-fought battles of all United States
soldiers and the eloquent speeches given by founding fathers, abolitionists, and
activists. The American flag not only shows the great times in history that pathed
our way, but the pain we had to feel. The exceptional gut-wrenching pain we had
to feel after the 9/11 attacks and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Each attack left
every American looking for an emblem to bring us back hope. The American flag
is the symbol that brought hope during times of pain and times of change in
The American Flag shows us not only how to be a true Americans, but how
America was built. One quote said by Harry S. Truman states, “America was not
built on fear. American was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable
determination to do the job at hand.” By this quote, the American flag shows us
how to have the courage to fight for our freedom and have the determination to
get the job done and done well. The flag shows us to imagine the great times that
are coming in America and how we can keep America safe for everyone.
Courage, Imagination, and unbeatable determination are truly some of the best
ways to be a great American. This piece of fabric for some is something that just
hangs to show our country as a whole, but to me, it is the true American symbol
of life. It shows me how to be a civilized American and how I should help make
out country a better place. The American flag is not a political party emblem. It is
also not something that should be burned at the hand of somebody who claims
they love America.
Being a true American is using your courage to fight, your imagination to hope,
and unstoppable determination to get the job done to represent the flag. Being a
true American is looking at the history the flag shows us and understanding that
we have been given this freedom and we cannot take it for granted, because
some countries are struggling right now. So I leave you with the thought that, is
the American flag just some red and white stripes, an undersized blue box, and
white stars that show us justice and freedom?

Nolan Wood – Fredonia, Wisconsin – 7th Grade – 1st Place

The flag is a symbol of freedom. When I stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance
every morning and put my hand over my heart. I am thanking all of the brave
people who got drafted into the war, unknowing of what would happen overseas.
They fought for our people, they fought for our rights, our land, and most of all,
our Freedom. Our Freedom is like no one elses. Our Freedom is like nothing
any one else will ever have or know.
Our Freedom is because of that flag. Because it is still waving through the air.
Because of the brave soldiers who fought for this. They saved our flag, they
saved our Freedom. That flag with the 50 stars and 13 stripes doesn’t just
represent the land of the free, but it represents everything that has ever
happened here. It represents the good. It also represents the bad.
It represents the brave colonists who came here not knowing what terrors this
country might bring. Those brave colonists didn’t care, they built their land, they
fought against the people who tried to take all away from them. They had one
thought in mind when they fought against the ruthless British army. They were
thinking of Freedom. They were thinking of a country that is free. They didn’t
know how it would turn out, but they had one sight and they saw it through. In
conclusion, the flag means what we have been through, the freedom, and the
tremendous loss.

Jersey Borsheim – West Bend, Wisconsin – 6th Grade – 2nd Place

Did you know that there have been 27 different variations of the American flag?
The red in the flag represents valor, the white represents innocence, and the blue
represents perseverance. Flag Day is a day that honors the American Flag. Here
is what that flag means to me.
The American Flag means a lot to me. First, it represents freedom. The flag
represent the war that American soldiers sacrificed and risked their lives to win,
just to give us freedom. Second, when I look at the American Flag, it shows how
hard people fought to be who they want, and what they want. In the Pledge of
Allegiance, it does say, “With liberty and justice for all.” Another thing I see when
I look at the flag is honor. When I look at the flag, I see brave people who made
this country what it is. Lastly, I see people living happily together. The Pledge of
Allegiance does mention that our amazing country is indivisible. Historical
figures fought to make our country that way. The people who fought in the
military have served and risked their lives to bring us this world, and meant for
everyone to live happily. All in all, the American flag means very much to me.
The American Flag that Betsy Ross made on July 14, 1777, is not just a piece of
cloth, it is something that represents freedom, honor, and indivisibility. That is
what the American Flag means to me.


1st Place: High School

Hannah Lango

I have noticed that lately some people don’t respect the American flag; they say the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem without standing and putting their hand over their heart. This bothers me because our flag deserves reverence and respect.  It is a tangible symbol of how our nation was founded, what it is today, and what it will be tomorrow.

To me, the history of America is written on those white stars and crimson stripes.  When I see our flag, I can almost see our founding fathers in a heated discussion over the unjust taxes England is levying on them.  I see Patrick Henry slam his clenched first down on a table as he makes a passionate and eloquent plea for liberty. I see Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott leaping onto their horses and riding like wildfire to warn their fellow Americans of the approaching British navy. I see Thomas Jefferson presenting the Declaration of Independence to the Continental Congress and John Hancock leaning over the document, quill in hand, as he boldly signs it in his flamboyant penmanship. I see the hush that falls over the colonies as they realize they just picked a fight with the strongest nation on earth. I see the battles that ensued, fought by brave patriots and led by the great General Washington.  And I see the final battle at Yorktown, where Washington trapped the British against the Chesapeake Bay and decisively ended the war, securing independence for the fledgling United States of America.  

It was almost unbelievable. There was no way on earth our untrained militia could have beaten mighty England, but we did.  And the courage, spirit, and sense of justice that drove those early patriots to fight for a better tomorrow is woven into the very fabric of our American flag-red for bravery. White for purity. Blue for justice. 

The flag is the history of America.

Our flag also represents America as it is today-the greatest nation ever in the history of mankind. The country where freedom rings. The country known for upholding justice, defending the oppressed, and fighting tyranny. The land that is respected by the world because of her prosperity and strength. The place where everyone, no matter what your religion or color, has equal opportunity to live the American dream.

The country I am proud to call “home.”

The future of the United States is also symbolized by the flag. You see, the story of America is still being written today-by us. It’s up to us to carry the torch of excellence passed down from the Americans before us. 

During the War of 1812, Francis Scott Key penned the famous words, “O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” Despite having been written several hundred years ago, that same question is still relevant today. Obviously, the flag is indeed waving over our nation, but is it flying over a free and brave nation? Twenty years from now, will our flag still symbolize the greatest nation on earth? We must do all we can to ensure that it does. Each and every American has the responsibility to maintain our country’s reputation so that our flag will remain the emblem of power and greatness that it has been every since 1776.

So, in short, our flag represents the past, present, and future of the United States of America. I respect it and love it because it is the symbol of the country I respect and love. It is an honor to live under the American flag, and I hope that someday, at least in part, I can repay my wonderful country for the freedoms and opportunities I have because of it.

2nd place: High School

Jada Straight-Rochwite

What does the American flag mean to me? What does the American flag mean to everyone in the United States? The American Flag has represented freedom, courage, valor, perseverance, justice, innocence, purity and bravery since 1777, but to many of us, it represents much more. 

The American Flag represents my Grandpa who fought in Vietnam; in the Navy, my cousins who enlisted in the Army, and my uncles and aunts who are army veterans.  It represents the time that they spent away from home, the injuries that they sustained, and the children who never got to see their parents again. It represents the letters that I sent to my brother as he was overseas in the Army and the time I spent away from him.  It represents the tears that I shed as he came walking up the stairs of my house to embrace me in a tight hug that lasted for minutes, the day he came back home.

The American Flag also represents law enforcement, first responders, fire serves, ems, and all of the other professions that keep us safe.  The similarity between all of the professions I listed are that they all represent, courage, valor, perseverance, justice, innocence, purity and bravery; the same as the American flag represents.

To me the American flag is a symbol of Pride. When the first steps on the moon were taken, there was an American flag placed next to the footprints, representing the pride that we have for our Country. Olympians will wrap the flag around them as they receive the Gold medal because they have pride for the country they are competing for. All emergency response stations have an American flag flying high outside their station because they are proud to be serving their community in the great United States.

When a hero falls, such as a police officer or a firefighter, the American flag is flown at half-staff to honor the fallen heroes that lost their lives serving our communities in our great Country. As a daughter of a firefighter and as a firefighter myself, I pray that the need of the American flag flown at half-staff isn’t ever needed again, but then again, I don’t think there is a greater honor than to have the American Flag be flown in honor of us if tragedy were to strike. 

The American flag reminds me of the history that I wasn’t there for,  but have learned about throughout the years. It reminds me of the 22 Veterans every day that commit suicide because of what they have been through before, during and after they served our great Country. I’m reminded of the hardships that people have gone through in our Country. It reminds me of the kindness we should have for each other, as we may have differences, but we are all still Americans.

In conclusion, the American flag means a lot more to me than the red, white, and blue and the 50 stars. When I look at the American flag, I feel bravery, courage, happiness that I have that freedom because of our amazing heroes, pain because of the heroes we lost, and most of all; pride.

Through wars and in times of peace, the sight of the American flag has given assurances that democracy lives. No other symbol captures the power and glory of our nation like the American flag. 

1st Place: Grades 6-8

Chase White

When you look at the American flag, what do you think of? Maybe you think of the people who fought for it, or the people in the country today.  The American flag can make you feel many different ways, and that’s something I love about it. Some people don’t think about what it means, but there are many things that it represents. 

First, the American flag means that people had to sacrifice their lives to save other people.  The people who died deserve to be honored, and they are honored every day by Americans.  Next, it means that the people who live in the United States are all united as one nation that together can do anything.  Americans pledge their allegiance which means they are going to respect the flag and the other people that live under it.  Lastly, the people who survived those wars must think about the people who were serving with them all the time.  I believe that when those veterans look at the flag they know that veterans who died were honored to serve with them.  The American flag is the thing that unites us, shows our respect for veterans, and shows our allegiance to the United States, which is why it is very important. 

The thoughts that you have when you look at the American flag are not right or wrong; it is just how you interpret it.  The American flag can represent different things for different people, and that’s what makes it special. 

2nd Place: Grades 6-8

Leanna Weinhold

The American flag is a symbol of accomplishment, bravery, freedom, and equality. Our flag means this and more, not being a mere piece of cloth.  These thirteen stripes portray the first colonies; the stars represent our nation’s fifty states.  The vibrant colors of these pieces have even more meaning. Red symbolizes strength and valor. White symbolizes purity, innocence, peace, and beauty. Blue symbolizes perseverance, justice, prosperity, and freedom.  This flag symbolizes our country.

Imagine it’s July 20, 1969 and you are sitting in your living room watching Neil Armstrong taking his first step on the moon. You are witnessing with your own eyes the first man to ever walk on the moon.  This moment will never be forgotten, filled with awe and wonder.  The American flag was flown into space and placed on the moon’s surface.  Our flag made it to the moon, and we accomplished the unimaginable. 

The American flag inspired our valiant soldiers to fight for our freedom, liberty, and democracy. We Americans have a duty to honor the lives sacrificed. We should appreciate and show gratitude to the people that dedicated themselves to our country.

I am blessed to be born an American and feel so much pride for my nation. I am truly privileged to have so many opportunities in his country that God has blessed.

“When we honor our flag we honor what we stand for as a nation: freedom, equality, justice, and hope.” Ronald Reagan said it well.  Let us show the honor due. 

1st Place: Grades 4-5

Will Benedict

The American Flag is more than just cloth, it’s freedom, opportunity, and freedom of the press.  I’m thankful for all the soldiers that died.  They will be remembered forever and loved because God has a special place for them. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines gave their lives for America’s freedom.

We all have equal opportunity whether we are white, black, rich, or poor. People from all over the world want to come to America to experience the freedom and love it provides.  In other places, people don’t experience the same freedom we do.  When I see the flag, it represented being able to follow my own chosen path.

It’s an honor and a privilege to be a citizen of this country. Living in America isn’t like living in any other country. Every day, good people give their best to make our country better.  My pride in our country makes me want to continue that legacy. I love our flag and always will. It is a physical reminder of what opportunity we have, our religious freedom, and a representation of the battles my family won defending her.

2nd Place: Grades 4-5

Adrian Qerimi

What the American flag means to me is… that our country fought for us many times.  The army gave us freedom, protection, and a great place to live.  When I see the flag it reminds me of doing the Pledge of Allegiance at school.  It also reminds me of when we unite just like the United States.  During the Fourth of July my family and I go to the neighbors and watch the fireworks. When I watch the fireworks I think of bursting bombs just like the ones in war.  My great-grandpa was in the Korean War and he told many stories about it.  The American flag relates to that because he helped the army build huge bridges! I have many ideas about the flag. Hopefully, you have amazing reasons about the flag too. In my opinion the American flag is special in it’s own way. 


The National Flag Day Foundation wishes to thank each of the nearly 250 students who submitted essays for the2020 contest. The response was greater than ever, with entries received from all over the United States. All of the essays were well done, making selection of only two per category difficult. The students expressed very thought-provoking reflections on the personal significance of the American Flag. All contestants are to be applauded for their outstanding effort. Special thanks to all of the contestants and our panel of judges.

First Place - Grades 3-5

Kira Cunningham
Milwaukee, WI

First Place - Grades 6-8

Eva Duran
Port Washington, WI

First Place - Grades 9-12

Jena Lakhani
Richmond, TX

Second Place - Grades 3-5

Ethan Krueger
Grafton, WI

Second Place - Grades 6-8

Delsie Duvall
Sparks, NV

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